The very best help
for your health
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Hereford’s longest established Centre for Complementary Therapies (Registered Charity no. 516988) has a great deal of experience to draw upon. All of our therapists are highly qualified and experienced and offer an excellent level of care. We have a friendly and welcoming clinic in Belmont, Hereford, with trained Reception staff able to offer advice where needed. With 15 different natural therapies available, we can treat a wide range of physical and emotional conditions, ailments and allergies. Free advice from our friendly Reception staff can help you to select the treatment you need.
How can complementary therapies help?
Our therapies work to address the causes of ill health. This is a different perspective from conventional medicine where the visible symptoms are addressed, often with drugs, but the root of the problem may remain.
The results of complementary therapies are often excellent, and can offer a solution where conventional medicine has been unable to bring about a good result – and all of this without the need for prescription drugs or unwanted side-effects.
Natural Health is just that!
Our complementary therapies work on the basis of tried and tested systems for helping the body and mind to heal itself naturally, whether this is stimulating the immune system, identifying acquired allergies, or giving massage or manipulation for aches, pains and other underlying conditions.
Available Treatments
Acupuncture, Tui Na and Chinese Herbs
Allergy & Environmental Therapy
Bach Flower Remedies
Bowen Technique
Counselling, CBT and Psychotherapy
Craniosacral Therapy
Crystal Healing
Emotional Freedom Technique and Matrix Re-imprinting
Heart Field Healing
Massage Therapy - Deep tissue, Indian head, Holistic, Hot stones, Remedial, Sports, Swedish & pregnancy massage.
Pain Relief Therapy
Japanese Tsuboki face massage
The Hereford Centre for Natural Health
Eastholme Road
Tel: 01432 279653
​Mail: hcnh@btconnect.com