Bach Flower Remedies
Juliet Ablett
The Bach flower remedies were developed by Dr. Edward Bach during the early decades of the 20th century. The Flower remedies are used to treat the emotional states that all of us develop, which Dr. Bach believed was the cause of all physical health problems. Whether that is a lifelong tendency to a depressed state or the very recent development of flashes of anger and jealousy a young child might exhibit at the arrival of a younger sibling; the Bach flower remedies are also suitable for physical symptoms. The Bach Flower Remedies can help to balance the person and restore whatever difficulty is being experienced.
A consultation to prescribe Bach Flower remedies will take about an hour and is an opportunity for you to focus on a particular issue/set of problems or a difficult time in your life. The consultation will allow you to talk about your situation with a view to giving you a greater understanding of what is happening. At the end of the consultation a combination of flower remedies will be prescribed and made up, ready for you to take away. The remedies are in liquid form within a dropper bottle from which you can take several drops each day for an agreed period of time. The drops are pleasant and easy to take.
You retain responsibility for your treatment throughout the process.
You can increase the frequency of drops if you feel the need to during difficult times.
You can book another appointment as and when you need to.
Juliet Ablett has been studying the Bach flower remedies for the past few years, gaining her qualification from Healing Herbs as a Bach flower remedy practitioner in July 2014. Juliet uses the remedies as part of homeopathic practice, but also as a separate stand alone therapy, which is equally suitable for adults and children alike. Please call Juliet if you would like to discuss prior to booking an appointment which therapy may be most suited to you.
“The primary purpose of the Bach flower remedies is to help us change and bring us back to a genuinely happy experience of life.”
Julian Barnard, from “Bach flower remedies the essence within. An illustrated Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies”