Emotional Freedom Technique and Matrix Reimprinting
Sharon Freeland​
Advanced EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Based on knowledge of our body’s meridian and subtle energy systems, allowing us to release tensions and traumas which can lead to mental, physical and emotional dis-ease. It is like acupuncture without needles.
By tuning into how we feel, how something or someone makes us feel, combined with tapping on the meridian endings, we can release those emotions. Tension in the body can create and increase physical pain, so relaxing the area and releasing endorphins can help feelings of wellbeing.
Matrix Reimprinting uses EFT techniques
It works on our younger selves, the “you” who experienced the trauma. It enables us to work with the trauma, without bringing the emotions into the body. As such, we are not reliving the event; we use tapping to let go of the emotional charge in the memory. When we think of trauma in the here and now, it becomes a memory, a thing of the past.
EFT and Matrix Reimprinting techniques can be used for a wide range of physical, mental and emotional problems
fears or phobias
cravings or addictions
obsessive or compulsive behaviour
memories of past traumas, unhappy times, bereavements which you think of constantly
physical pain
recurring or chronic health problems
feeling “stuck”-perhaps parts of your life you would like to change
inability to lose weight, gain weight, keep your weight stable
Would you like to achieve more in certain areas of your life but feel you hold back, nerves get in the way?
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