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Clinical Hypnotherapy

Karina JB


Hypnotherapy is often misunderstood by people who have never experienced it.

In fact the hypnotic trance is a natural state of mind which we all experience in everyday life.  While performing a familiar task, like cooking a meal, or cleaning our teeth, we might drift off into a day dreamy state unaware of the task in hand and 'come back@ at a later stage.  We may become completely engrossed in watching a film, losing all track of  time and believing ourselves to be part of the imaginary world.


Hypnotherapy makes use of these reflective states of mind to focus unhindered on the inner world of feelings and  imagination.  This relaxed state allows the subconscious parts of the mind to become more available to the conscious mind and allows changes to take place that might be more difficult in ordinary consciousness.


What is the Subconscious Mind?


Our conscious mind deals with the choices and decisions we make in our daily lives.  The subconscious part is much more connected with the automatic functions of the mind and body; those aspects of our experience that we feel to be outside our conscious control.  This is where our habits, fears and anxieties become logged.  The subconscious also measures our emotional response to events, and triggers our body to react.  This usually serves us well, but sometimes our mind misreads the situation and fixes these reactions in unhelpful ways.  Hypnotherapy can unravel these tangles and facilitate new ways of dealing with difficulties.


Who can benefit from Clinical Hypnotherapy?


Clinical Hypnotherapy cannot claim to be the answer to all problems and gives no guarantees as so much depends on each individual client.


It has however been widely acclaimed for helping people who wish to break habits such as smoking, nail-biting, etc. and to conquer performance anxiety that can be so crippling when taking exams or driving tests, giving a speech or performing in public.


At another level hypnotherapy helps people who suffer from chronic anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, problems with confidence and low self-esteem.


Hypnotherapy is also useful for the enhancement of human potential in areas such as improved learning and concentration and medically unexplained infertility.  After medical consultation, hypnotherapy can prove helpful in managing painful conditions such as arthritis, chronic back pain and migraine.  It is also used to good effect in the latter stages of pregnancy and childbirth.

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